Chances are, even if you weren’t quite aware of what exactly you were looking at, you’ve seen a ductless system before… or at least one of its air handlers. If you noticed a unit up high on the wall of a room that resembles a sleeker version of a window AC, yet doesn’t protrude through the back of the wall, that’s the air handler of a ductless system. These are also called ductless mini-split heat pumps and have a variety of benefits for homeowners.
Ductless air conditioners are comprised of a single outdoor unit and up to four indoor air handlers that can all work independently of each other. They also operate on heat pump technology, which means that not only can they effectively cool your home, but they also make efficient heaters as well.
These systems are becoming increasingly popular, not just in our little corner of the world, but throughout the U.S. Read on as we uncover why!