Comfort First Heating and Cooling, Inc. Blog: Archive for April, Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Electric vs. Gas: What Furnace Is More Efficient?

Monday, February 15th, 2021

natural-gas-furnaceIf you’re looking for a new heater installation this time of the year, chances are that you’re in a bit of a rush. We really want to encourage you to slow down and take some time with this decision. Rushing into a furnace purchase can leave you with a system that’s not properly matched for your specific home and needs, and therefore doesn’t work as efficiently as you need it to.

About efficiency—efficiency is the rating of the heating output of your furnace compared to the amount of energy that it consumes. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that a furnace with a higher efficiency rating will, by default, cost less to run. A good example of this is when you’re looking at the AFUE ratings of electric furnaces versus that of gas furnaces.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Pro for Your Next Furnace Installation

Monday, January 18th, 2021

two-women-leaning-back-on-couch-looking-comfortableIf you’re reading a blog post about furnace installation in January, it probably means you’re pretty desperate to get some reliable heat in your home, now. But this really isn’t a service you want to rush. As important as finding the right heater for your home is trusting the team that’s doing the job.

“Wait, I can’t just put it in myself?”

Well, you could, but we can’t promise that it would be done effectively, that your furnace would work efficiently if at all, or that your furnace will operate safely.

Read on as we uncover the work that goes into a furnace installation. These are at least three reasons you should trust a pro.

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What Happens When Your Heater Won’t Actually Heat

Monday, January 4th, 2021

woman-wrapped-in-blanket-drinking-out-of-mugWhether you have an electric or gas furnace, you count on it for powerful performance right? Well, as long as you properly take care of your heater, you’ll never have to worry about it failing on you. But no heater is immune to problems, no matter how well maintained.

So what if yours is running, but it doesn’t seem to be actually heating your home? Maybe you’ve tried raising the thermostat to make up the difference to no avail.

This means your furnace or heating system is malfunctioning in some way, but what could be to blame? 

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Is Your Furnace Making One of These 3 Noises?

Monday, December 21st, 2020

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenIt’s often easy to ignore subtle sounds coming from your heating system. Or rather, it’s easy to tune them out. Sounds like the whoosh of air coming through your vents, for instance, can become a noise so natural in the fall and winter that you don’t even notice it anymore. You might also neglect to notice the sound of a very gentle rattling of your ductwork as it shifts with the temperature fluctuations.

But what about those noises that seem to creep up on you out of nowhere? Is it ever okay to ignore a strange sound coming from your furnace? Well, you could ignore it, but you’d probably regret that. Unusual sounds are among the first signs that something is wrong with your furnace. Keep reading as we outline three of the most common sounds that indicate a furnace in disrepair.

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Is Your Boiler in Trouble?

Monday, December 7th, 2020

A boiler can only operate as efficiently as it is meant to if it is cared for properly. This means it needs to be professionally installed, repaired, and maintained by experienced and trained professionals to perform as it should.

It’s also important to remember that even with quality boiler services, there’s still a chance that something will eventually go amiss with your heating system, and eventually you may need boiler repairs or even replacement. Read on as we uncover some of the leading signs that your boiler is in trouble and needs help.

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Caring for Your Boiler: What You Should Know

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

top-of-boiler-with-pressure-gaugeBoilers are very sturdy heating systems. In fact, that’s why many homeowners throughout Joliet and beyond choose these systems to keep their homes comfortable in the winter. With fewer moving parts than the more traditional furnaces or heat pumps, they tend to have fewer repair needs, too. But boilers still deserve to be cared for just like any other heating system. And what many homeowners don’t realize is just like any other type of heater, boilers need professional maintenance to prevent repair needs!

If you have any hope of continuing to enjoy the comfort and energy savings they bring throughout the years, then you’ll want to make sure you properly care for your boiler, through professional maintenance. Read on to learn more!

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Have You Scheduled Your Heating Maintenance Appointment Yet?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Natural-gas-heaterIt’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! You know, the time where leaves are falling, pumpkin and apple pies are baking, and all over the community homeowners are starting to use their heaters on a daily basis.

This is also the time of year that it’s best to schedule heating maintenance! Keeping your heating system in good shape will ensure that you’re able to keep your household warm and cozy all fall and winter long, and do so safely. Now is the perfect time to schedule your tune-up. Keep reading as we dive into why that is the case!

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Are You Using Your Heater As Efficiently As Possible?

Monday, February 17th, 2020

technician-working-on-furnaceThink about how much you’re using your heater on a daily basis this season. It’s no secret that you’d probably like to know how to do so while avoiding costly energy bills. Sure, you can expect your utility bills to increase in the winter (and in the summer, for that matter) since HVAC systems account for half of all the energy use in a household.

However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to increase your heater’s efficiency and therefore lower costs. Actually, there are a number of steps you can take, and some don’t cost you anything but a minute of your time. Keeping heating efficiency up is also a good way to keep repair needs at bay since a higher efficiency system typically means a system that doesn’t accumulate wear and tear too quickly.

Read on as we uncover some of the easy ways you can use your heater more efficiently throughout the rest of winter and beyond.

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5 Signs Your Heater Is in Trouble

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

animated-checklistWouldn’t it be nice if there were a little screen or recording that could tell us exactly what’s wrong with our heating systems when they begin to show signs of trouble, with advice on how to fix it? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case. Perhaps someday heaters will be self-diagnostic, but repairs are always something that should be handled by a trained pro.

That said, you can’t know to call an HVAC professional unless you know something is wrong with your heater, to begin with, right? So read on as we uncover 5 of the most common signs that something is amiss with your heating system.

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A Furnace Installation Done Right Follows These Steps

Monday, January 20th, 2020

technician-working-on-wiring-in-furnaceThe last thing you want to be stuck with in the middle of the coldest part of winter is a heating system in disrepair, right? Though, if you’ve come upon this blog post and are looking forward to hearing just how to install a furnace, chances are you need a new one, now. We really cannot stress enough, however, how important it is to leave furnace installations to the pros.

There are a number of reasons we say this. There’s a large amount of work that goes into each and every furnace installation we complete—and this work contributes to not only your comfort and the efficiency of your heater, but also your safety! This is particularly true if it’s a gas-powered system in question.

Then, why are we sharing the steps of furnace installation? So you can see why it’s so vital you trust a pro for a job of this caliber.

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