Have You Scheduled Your Heating Maintenance Appointment Yet?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Natural-gas-heaterIt’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! You know, the time where leaves are falling, pumpkin and apple pies are baking, and all over the community homeowners are starting to use their heaters on a daily basis.

This is also the time of year that it’s best to schedule heating maintenance! Keeping your heating system in good shape will ensure that you’re able to keep your household warm and cozy all fall and winter long, and do so safely. Now is the perfect time to schedule your tune-up. Keep reading as we dive into why that is the case!

Convenient Scheduling Time

As temperatures get cooler and cooler, more homeowners start scheduling heating services. These services include maintenance, sure, but they also include repairs and replacements. That means HVAC technicians get busier. When you call for maintenance or standard repairs, you may have to wait a bit to actually get on the schedule.

But by scheduling your heating maintenance appointment in the fall, before you need the system the most, you can have the service done at your convenience, without worrying about trying to tag one of our professional and highly trained technicians when they have the time.

Extra Time to Manage Repairs

This benefit goes hand in hand with the above-mentioned one. Let’s say that during your heating tune-up, we find something amiss with your system. Maybe it’s worn down motor bearings that need lubrication so your motor doesn’t burn out. Maybe it’s a loose fan belt in your furnace. Whatever it is, you want it fixed right away, right?

Well, when you schedule your maintenance visit early enough, you have plenty of time to manage your repair needs before you need to use your system on an hourly basis. Waiting too long to schedule the tune-up means risking a broken down system this season.

Safety and a Peace of Mind

Perhaps the biggest benefit of all when it comes to heating maintenance is the peace of mind you’ll get from this service. Not only will you know you can enter winter confidently, without concerns of your system breaking down on one of the coldest nights of the year, but you’ll know the system is safe, too.

One of the things our technicians do during maintenance is to provide a comprehensive inspection to make sure that your system is clean, and doesn’t have any damage that could lead to safety hazards. An example of this would be a cracked heat exchanger, which is something that can happen with an aging system.

Cracked heat exchangers allow carbon monoxide gasses to escape into your living space. In the best-case scenario, this could lead to some fatigue and dizziness for members of the household. In the worst-case scenario, carbon monoxide leaks have and do lead to fatalities.

With routine maintenance, our professionals will always let you know if there is a hazard such as this occurring in your furnace, so you can either have it repaired or replace your system with a safer one!

Contact us for reliable heating maintenance in Joliet, IL. Comfort First Heating and Cooling, Inc., where we put your comfort first!