Don’t Run Your AC into the Ground! Common AC Mistakes

Monday, June 10th, 2019

hand-drawing-check-boxDo you ever second guess yourself when you go to turn on your air conditioner? A lot of homeowners pick up tips and tricks from the internet about how to run your air conditioner in an efficient manner. This information is great. The only problem is that it isn’t tailored to the needs of your home—it’s just tailored to the needs of the average American home.

Now we don’t expect you to swap out your current novel with your air conditioner’s manual, but we do want you to know the best AC practices. If you want to know the most common AC operation mistakes, keep reading below. And, if you need air conditioning service in Joliet, IL, make sure you come to our team.  

3 Ways You’re Ruining Your AC

If you’re doing any of these things, you’re doing your air conditioner a huge disservice.

  • Setting the Temperature Super Low: We get it. You don’t have to tell us. It gets hot here in Joliet in the summer. When our high temperatures are coupled with the high humidity it makes it feel even hotter. When you come home from the hot outdoor temperatures you want fast relief, but the answer isn’t lowering your thermostat down to an unreasonably low setting. This is a common misconception, but your thermostat setting doesn’t determine how fast your home cools off. You can think of the temperature set your thermostat to as your air conditioning units’ goal. The pace never changes—only the goal point. If you’d like to come home to a cool house consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats have remote Wi-Fi capabilities. This means that you can turn on your AC system from your phone on your way home and walk into a cool house.
  • Neglecting Routine Maintenance: Have you scheduled an appointment for an air conditioner tune-up this year? Make sure you schedule one with our team as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so. Maintenance tune-ups are the perfect opportunity for an air conditioning technician to come into your home and take a close look at your AC unit. Your air conditioning technician can see a lot of things you can’t see. There’s nothing worse than running into a huge, unexpected air conditioning breakdown during a heat wave. Maintenance is the best way to keep air conditioning problems at bay.
  • Using Your Registers for Temperature Control: Sometimes you have multiple people in a home who have different temperature needs. Unfortunately, one of the worst things you can do is shut off registers or vents instead of turning off a system. If you want customizable air conditioning in your home you should consider trying a ductless system for your home. Ductless air conditioning systems allow you a perfect level of customization without the hassle of retrofitting a zone-controlled HVAC system in your home.

Avoiding these habits will help you bypass a repair issue. Make sure you keep these tips in mind this summer!

Need a great technician for your air conditioner? Contact our team at Comfort First Heating and Cooling, Inc. today to schedule an appointment.

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